
Two Poems

By Susana Villalba trans. Robin Myers

Poems from Terracotta Fragments

By Eric Benick

Four Poems

By julie ezelle patton


By Deborah Kelly


The Birthday Party

By Sunny Rosen


By Nat Holtzmann

Excerpt from Until the Victim Becomes our Own

By Dimitris Lyacos trans. Andrew Barrett

A Girl Named Montgomery

By Daniel Uncapher


Helio Oiticica, Secret Poetics

By Jose-Luis Moctezuma

Marie NDiaye, Vengeance is Mine

By Abigail Struhl

Munir Hachemi, Living Things

By Nathaniel LaCelle-Peterson

Jessica Au, Cold Enough for Snow

By Isabella Gullifer-Laurie


Profit Margins: Oscar Micheaux’s Amazon Editions and the Digital Erasure of Black Publishing History

By Marc Blanc

Stanzas in Conversation

By julie ezelle patton and Jennifer Scappettone

The World Is in its Keys: A Conversation with Timmy Straw

By Edy Guy

“Like the Voluntary Disappearance of Space Between Me and You”: Jennifer Soong’s Interior Music

By Chris Hosea


Qiuchen Wu, Three American Painters: Wilson Yerxa

By Kai Ihns

Experience Report: Poetry & Biscuits Reading Series

By Brendan White

Statement on the Events of May 7 at the University of Chicago

Flood Editions Interview

By Peter O’Leary

From the archives

From Veronica Forrest-Thomson’s “Lilies from the Acorn”

"The activity of wringing lilies from the acorn that Pound attributes to his 'Hugh Selwyn Mauberley' characterizes above all the cluster of theory and practice associated with the 'movement' of Pre-Raphaelitism. As is usual with artistic movements, the practice goes directly contrary to the theory. A theoretical aim of exact representation of the object with all its detailed simplicity of outline...becomes problematic straightaway when the objects are ideas and emotions."

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