
“Why try / to revive the lyric”: Hoa Nguyen and the Singing of Loss

By Patrick Flanery

Bardic Travels with Bob Holman (an interview with Mark Silverberg)

By Mark Silverberg

Bob Holman’s Ekphrastic Performances

By Mark Silverberg

In Memoriam: Friederike Mayröcker (1924-2021)

Mass Tragedy

By Sarah Dowling

Interview with Marie Buck

By Brian Whitener

In Memoriam: Sheila Ascher (1939-2020)

By Dennis Straus

Together, in the First Person

By Jean-Thomas Tremblay

In Memoriam: Diane di Prima (1934–2020)

Who is “Inconspicuous Woman”? On reading, solitude and the space between two

By Eliza Robertson

All That Is Solid Melts Into Smoke

By Adam Fales

My Father’s Only Son

By Dawn Lundy Martin

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