Helen Adam & Her Circle—

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Introduction by Alison Fraser

Helen Adam & Jess Collins, Selected Letters, 1956-1984

Helen Adam, The Nurse Speaks for R. D.                         a previously unpublished poem for Robert Duncan

Robert Duncan, Preface to Helen AdamBallads

Helen Adam, A Few Notes on Robert Duncan

Helen Adam & Jess Collins, Scrapbook and Photograph Album


Richard Owens, Circuits of Reciprocity: Folk Culture, Class Politics, and Contemporary Ballad Writing


by Jane Sprague, Chris Glomski, Keith Jones, Anne Lesley Selcer, Roberto Harrison, Michael O’Brien, Sandra Simonds, Elizabeth Arnold, and Friederike Mayröcker (trans. Donna Stonecipher)


by Jürgen Becker (trans. Alexander Booth), Yxta Maya Murray, and Marilyn Abildskov

Memoirs from Former Editors—

by John Underhill Ottenheimer, Keith Tuma, and Elizabeth Arnold

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