the beauty of shapes


it felt like every person in the video was swimming.

a person was swimming. a video was swimming.

a person in a video was swimming

and the remote controls were growing out of the water.

it was like everything in the video was being sewn

or standing next to someone who was sewing.

an organization is not a task that can be accomplished.

a task is a task that takes no time

but offers every solution.

a shape is proximal to its axes.

that is the beauty of shapes.

we can stand very still next to them.

there’s still time to iron a perfect square,

to press the daffodils carefully into the kitchen sink with water,

to show other people how to speak to horses.

you do it mostly with your eyes and ears.

you do it mostly while standing at a distance.

when it rains at a university it is an indoor sort of rain.

that is to say, it makes the shape of rain without actually raining.


Application to be a fact


At my interview to be transformed
from a human and into a fact,
my interviewer withdraws my application 
from a folio beneath his desk 
with long, soapy hands. 
There is so much soap 
that it is almost difficult to see 
the skin beneath the froth. 
But then there it is, 
smiling roughly as if to say, 
“I enjoy being publicly robbed 
of my lipid layer.” I, too, am 
being robbed of mine.